
All new players to AHA league play are required to attend an Evaluation unless you are entering Beginner School. During your Evaluation our team of evaluators will determine what level of play you are best suited for and help place you on a team in the appropriate skill level.

To reserve a spot in an Evaluation you must register online below. We do not accept walk-up registrations unless previously arranged by the Registration Coordinator.

If you are brand new to the sport of hockey with no organized experience previously, we recommend you consider our Beginner School.

At your Evaluation, you will be run through a few on-ice drills and then scrimmage with the other participants. We request that you bring full hockey equipment for your own protection. Please arrive 30 minutes before the Evaluation to check in, be assigned a temporary jersey, and get dressed. You will need to participate in the session for the full 90 minutes for an accurate assessment. Full details will be emailed to you shortly before your scheduled evaluation session.

Evaluation Sessions

Eval # Day Date Time Location Status
#1 Tue Apr 1 7:45 PM Breck REGISTER
#2 Tue Apr 21 7:45 PM Richfield 1 REGISTER